What Becomes a Table Most?
via Joe Doucet Studio
Sustainability! Flat pack furniture is ugly and/or poorly designed you say? Ikea's ruined it for everyone? Nay, nay friends as STUDY discovered when Contemporist tuned us onto the beauty called "ScrewTop" by Joe Docet. I'd like to pretend that this post is all about being green and earth-friendly, but the fact that this table is sexy beyond belief is infinitely more important than any eco-saving benefits we might run into.
via Joe Doucet Studio
via Joe Doucet Studio
Maybe it's that the design is so severe and Italian looking that gets me all hot and bothered. Or maybe it's that Doucet's created the table equivalent of a whippet and who hasn't been asking for that since forever?
via Joe Doucet Studio
Did I mention that the perfectly aligned screw tops satisfy me fiercely? I've been called out on my obsession with parallelism more than once, but I'm not giving up since Joe's obviously down with me on this point.
via Joe Doucet Studio
Check out more of Doucet's contemporary designs here.