The Evolution of Style
STUDY can now hunt as well as throw rocks.
That's right ladies and gentlemen, STUDY now has an official facebook page which you can become a fan of right here! It's all part of our
Preview of STUDY's new website
Whereas before you came to this heavily modified Blogger page for all things STUDY, soon typing in will direct you a bigger and badder website of truly epic proportions. There we'll be putting our work at the center - literally and figuratively - of everything we do. But don't fret! We'll still have the blog to keep you abreast of everything that's going on in our heads on a day to day basis. We think it just makes more sense that way. And in full disclosure, this gives us the opportunity to not take the STUDY blog so seriously since it will no longer be our only online presence. It's sort of like a mullet - business in the front, party in the rear - only a really well designed mullet. On second thought, maybe you shouldn't be thinking of our website/blog as a mullet.
Well, whatever you do, just be sure to visit!
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